11 Security Forces Killed in Badakhshan Bombing
KABUL (MEP) – A total of 11 local police forces have been killed in a roadside bomb blast in Khash...
KABUL (MEP) – A total of 11 local police forces have been killed in a roadside bomb blast in Khash...
The Ministry of Interior (MoI) says the blast was not a suicide attack but a bombing incident that killed five...
As a result of a roadside mine blast in Achin district of Nangarhar province, a girl died and a woman...
As a result of a roadside mine blast on a civilian passenger car in the Greshk district of Helmand, a...
MEP: A number of gunmen have reportedly opened fire on UN peacekeepers in which at least five of whom from...
KABUL: (MEP) At least two militants have reportedly staged a gun and grenade attack on a police station in an Istanbul...
KABUL: (MEP) As the Turkish government officials and Kurdish secessionists continue a barrage of acrimonious accusations of conspiracy and treason...
KABUL: (MEP) After increasing of military operations against the Taliban groups in Baghlan province, the insurgents hit back by cutting off...
KABUL: (MEP) A bomb attack has killed two Chinese citizens and wounded another in neighboring Laos, China's official Xinhua news...