Syrian Army Kills 30 Nusra Front Militants Around Aleppo

Syrian ArmyKABUL: (Middle East Press) At least 30 al-Qaeda-affiliated al-Nusra Front militants have been killed in a series of mop-up operations by the Syrian army across the country’s embattled northwestern province of Aleppo.

A military source, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Syrian government forces stormed militant hideouts in the villages of Sheikh Lotfi, Koyres, Arbid and Rasm al-Abd as well as near the Aleppo International Airport on Tuesday, Syria’s official news agency SANA reported.

The source added that several pickup trucks belonging to the al-Qaeda-linked Takfiris with heavy machine guns mounted on them as well as considerable amounts of munitions were also destroyed during the offensives.

Syrian army troopers also targeted terrorist bases in the Bastan al-Basha, Bani Zayd, New Aleppo, Karm al-Maysar and Bustan al-Qasr neighborhoods of Aleppo, which is located 355 kilometers (220 miles) north of the capital, Damascus.

The foreign-sponsored conflict in Syria, which flared in March 2011, has claimed the lives of more than 250,000 people and left over one million injured, according to the United Nations (UN).

The world body says 12.2 million people, including more than 5.6 million children, remain in need of humanitarian assistance. The foreign-sponsored militancy has displaced 7.6 million people.

Almost 1.2 million people have been internally displaced, and the UN expects another million to be displaced by the end of the current year in light of the deteriorating humanitarian situation in Syria; Press TV reported.



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