Supporters Of Militants In Syria Are At Odds

139411181537058647062964MEP: What happened is that Turkey in collaboration with Saudi Arabia supports and protects terrorists instead of coordinating with the southern neighbor in fighting terrorism that led to direct intervention from Russia, the Syrian strategic ally in the region, with the help of Iranian advisors to eradicate terrorists when turkey shot down the Russian fighter-jet that represented a turning point, however, in the Syrian scene, Erdogan thought, by shooting down the Russian plane, NATO will stand and support turkey. But Political and economic conditions barred European Union from standing with Turkey. After several months, Erdogan has, in an official letter, apologized to the Russian President, Vladmir Putin.

Of course, Erdogan after facing internal political problems, he was forced to change his policy towards Russia and Syria.  The request of apology from Russia is in the interest of the Syrian ally. Will Syria, in the future, be satisfied with a mere apology from Turkey?

Anyway, Turkish orientation now indicates that the front of Syrian enemies started to crumble and one political player left the scene for Saudi Arabia to face alone. That is exactly what happened in the coalition of aggression against Yemen, where Morocco and United Arab Emirates withdrew Saudi Arabia alone in Yemen and alone in Syria as well. Perhaps, the day is soon coming when Saudi Arabia itself will request apology.


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