Suicide Attacker Killed In Own Explosion In Nangarhar

MEP: As a result of the explosion of an embedded material in a vehicle in Ghanikhail district of eastern Nangarhar province, a suicide bomber was killed and had no other casualties.

Ataullah Khogyani, spokesman for the governor of Nangarhar said the blast took place at around 8:30 am this morning in the region of ‘Joye 25’ near the market of the district.

According to him, the only person killed in the blast was the suicide attacker and had no other casualties.

Khogyani added the suicide bomber planned to attack poppy eradication campaign in the district that was killed by his own plan before reaching to his target.

Nangarhar governor’s spokesman also said that security forces discovered a truck packed with explosives in the surrounding areas of Ghanikhai district prevented a suicide attack.

According to him, the bomber had skillfully packed the transfer material in the boilers.

Poppy eradication campaign started a few days ago in parts of Nangarhar province.


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