Suicide Attack On Indian Consulate Foiled In Nangarhar

109192_arrestedKABUL: (MEP) The National Directorate of Security (NDS) has foiled an attack by arresting a suicide bomber on Sunday, on the Indian consulate in Jalalabad, the capital of eastern Nangarhar province, local officials said on Monday.

A statement released by Nangarhar Media Center states, the arrested was identified as Nasir an original resident of Tagab district of northeastern Kapisa province.

Nasir recently joined the Taliban and confessed to his plot during investigations, the statement adds.

Nasir says after instructing him how to detonate his explosive materials he was told to go to Afghanistan and target the Indian consulate.

Taliban militants are yet to comment regarding the report.

This comes about a week after the national spy agency arrested two people who planned to target vehicles of the Indian consulate in Jalalabad.


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