St. Petersburg Metro Bomb Suspect ‘A Kyrgyz-Born Russian Citizen’

MEP: Kyrgyzstan’s security service says the likely suspect in Monday’s deadly blast in the Russian city of St Petersburg is a native of the former Soviet republic who obtained Russian citizenship.

Kyrgyz authorities identified Akbarjon Djalilov as being involved in the blast that tore through the car of a metro train as it traveled through a tunnel. It is unclear whether Djalilov was killed in the blast, or if he remains at large. Russian media has reported conflicting information.

He was born in Osh in 1995.

Russian investigators have given few details. No group has said it was responsible.

The explosion occurred as the train was traveling between the Tekhnologichesky Institut and Sennaya Ploshchad stations. At least 14 people were killed and 51 injured, according to the latest data.

Russia’s Investigative Committee said it was probing an “act of terror” but added it would look into all other possible causes of the blast.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, at a meeting with his Kyrgyz counterpart Erlan Abdyldayev, said the attack “once again shows the importance of stepping up joint efforts to combat this evil”.


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