Six Terrorists Executed In Kabul, Affiliated With Taliban Insurgency: ARG

36209A34-BD92-4D2B-8562-79793B5A09A0_mw1024_s_nMEP: President Ashraf Ghani on Sunday approved the execution ruling of six Taliban insurgents who were involved in kidnapping, attacks on civilians and bombings.

Six insurgents that their death sentences had been issued by the courts were executed by hanging at Pul-e-Charkhi prison in Kabul on Sunday morning after its approval by the President, a statement by Ghani’s office said.

According to the statement, President Ghani in accordance with the provisions of the constitution, criminal law and the rules of Islam and other prerequisites of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan as well as given the notice on demand of the families of victims of terrorist attacks, has signed the death penalty of six of the perpetrators of serious crimes and crimes against civilians and public security as six separate cases of perpetrators.

The decree was signed after vigilant consideration, completion of due process and fairness of trials in accordance with necessities of Afghan human rights.

Based on the source, the verdict was conducted by the judicial authorities in accordance with the laws of the country.

Shah Hussain Mortazawi, the deputy presidential spokesman, said those executed, affiliated with the Taliban insurgency.

“The execution of terrorists will continue” he added.

Meanwhile, the Taliban has issued a statement saying the individuals executed without paying attention for human rights.


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