Sisi Government Supports Israeli Policies

imagesKABUL: (Middle East Press) According to Jerusalem Post, Israel-Egypt ties never been better, but domestic Egyptian situation and the lack of progress in resolving the Israel-Palestinian conflict has thus far prevented a visit by Sisi to the Jewish state.

Relations between Egypt and Israel are at their “best,” perhaps the best they’ve ever been, because of ongoing security coordination, a high-level Egyptian source said.

Even though President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi is not going to visit the Jewish state anytime soon, there is ongoing security coordination related to the war against terrorist organizations near the border with Israel, the Iraqi daily Azzaman quoted the source on Wednesday as saying.

This includes Israel’s granting permission to Egypt to position greater military force in the Sinai than permitted in the 1979 peace treaty, the source added.

Zvi Mazel, who served as Israel’s sixth ambassador to Egypt and is currently a fellow at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, said since the Egyptian sources not only abstained from using negative language regarding Israel, but also praised the good relations between the countries.

Security cooperation is undoubtedly very important for Egypt, he said, since it is wrestling with terrorist groups that prevent Sisi from directing all of his energy and resources to economic development. “This cooperation is also important to Israel, given that the terrorists operate very close to the Israeli border,” observed Mazel.

As for a possible Sisi visit to Israel, Mazal said, “No one here expected it to occur in the present circumstances. Perhaps after the Egyptian president stabilizes the domestic situation, it could be possible to warm economic ties with Israel.” Regarding the advantages of importing gas from Israel discussed in the article, Mazel noted that the supply of Israeli gas to Egypt would address a very urgent Egyptian energy need. “Egypt is still the most important Arab country, and its stability and prosperity are important to all of the countries bordering the Mediterranean basin,” he pointed out.

He added that Israel will be energy superpower for exporting gas to neighboring countries if Israeli policies are supported by regional.


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