Sheikh Ahmed Al-Tayeb: Sunni And Shia Are The Two Wings Of Islam

66527410100892640360noKABUL: (MEP) In an Egyptian and Indonesian scholars’ joint meeting in Jakarta, Malaysia, the president of Al-Azhar, Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb said: Sunni and Shia are the two wings of Islam and their proximity essential.

According to this report he invited everyone to return to the Islamic heritage spirit that invites to mercy and tolerance and reject extremism. He said Shiites and Sunnis are brothers and emphasized that Sunni and Shia are the two wings of Islam and their proximity essential.

He also added: We can’t excommunicated Shiites and consider them beyond Islam, because the difference between Sunnis and Shiites are minor and their similarities are major, we mustn’t let enemies abuse our disagreements and the wars in Iraq, Yemen and Syria are the results of this division between Sunnis and Shiites unleashed by enemies, especially Israel.


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