Seminar On “Terror Sponsors In West Asia”

SimnarKABUL: (MEP) In a seminar on the evaluation of states sponsoring terrorism in West Asia, which was held in New Delhi at the invitation of Dr. Tasleem Ahmed Rahmani, participants debated about extremism and its adverse effects in the Muslim world.

Political and academic figures notably Dr. Zafar Islam Khan, Abe Anu, Mojtaba Farouk, Qasim Rsoul and Dr. Tasnima Kausar, gave speeches regarding western efforts to present Muslims as terrorists in an attempt to pour oil on the fire of hatred.

Dr. Ahmed Rahmani discussed the issue of certain countries that trying to show Muslims as terrorists, saying, “The whole world knows that the Zionists are behind all crises in world and are aware of its goal which is the geographical and ideological expansion.” Rahmani pointed to the intifada and the struggle of the Palestinian people with their bare hands criticizing who consider the Palestinians as terrorists, whereas they don’t consider Israeli government’s crimes as terrorism.

“The Hamas movement rose from the heart of the occupied territories and Stood against the state terrorism practices by Israel,” Rahmani underlined.

He also considered ISIS terrorist group as the greatest threat to the region, adding that the Islamic world as a whole stress that ISIS do not represent Islam.

On the other hand, Zafar Islam Khan –the editor in chief of National newspaper– considered that all terrorist organizations in the Middle East are rooted in Zionism, adding, “Islamic religious schools do not teach killing others. Israel and America has trained Taliban and ISIS only to discredit Islam and Muslims.”

In the same context, Abe Annie pointed to the involvement of certain countries in sponsoring terrorism in the region, insisting that the liberals have to take a big step to end America’s slogans against terrorism. “Those who want to teach us democracy do not know its meaning,” Abe Anu said.

In another speech, Mujtaba Farooq criticized the lack of analytical insight on the policies and claims of the United States. He called Muslims to unite.

Qasim Rasoul reviewed the history of the United States and Israel’s policies pointing out that the West resorted to the accusation of terrorism and extremism against pro-democracy movements in region after they overthrew dictators. “America initiated the suppression of freedom in the Middle East, taking advantage of the groups that pretend to be Islamic. For example, after the success of the mujahedeen in Afghanistan and the possibility of establishing an Islamic government, America concocted Taliban, which tarnished the image of Islam and Muslims,” Qasim said.

Dr. Tasnim Kausar condemned ISIS terrorist crimes also wondered the reasons that similar groups do not unite for Israel’s destruction while these groups such as ISIS and Boko Haram claim that they defend Islam. At the closing her speech, Dr. Kausar predicted that the next target of the US and Israel according on their ill-fated policies will be the destruction and the division of Turkey from the within.


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