Sayyed Nasrallah: Militants’ Defeat In Syria Is The Result Of Nation’s Sacrifices, Army And Resistance Fighters

MEP: Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah, addressing his supporters via a video link from the Lebanese capital city of Beirut hailed the liberation of Syria’s Aleppo as a major victory for the axis of Resistance, stressing that the Takfiris and their backers have failed to topple the government.

He said the militants’ defeat in Syria is the result of sacrifices by the Syrian nation, army as well as resistance fighters.

In the Friday’s speech, Sayyed Nasrallah added that the battle in Aleppo was fierce regarding the different means of support which Takfiris were offered.

“Takfiri militants perpetrating heinous crimes across the Middle East and North Africa have no connection to Islam and the religion’s most revered figure Prophet Muhmamd (PBUH).”

“Efforts to tarnish the image of Islam have entered a new phase, stressing that all Muslims bear the responsibility of denouncing the atrocities and make it known to the international community that the crimes are not linked to Islam.”

He stated that the ideology behind extremism stems from Wahhabism, and that Wahhabis have turned a blind eye to the critical issues of Muslims, particularly the Palestinian cause.

Sayyed Nasrallah then warned against the campaign aimed at defaming Islam, noting that our religion has been subjected throughout the last six year to a very dangerous campaign.

“Our religion and our prophet Mohamamd (pbuh) have been greatly offended in the last years,” Sayyed Nasrallah addressed Hezbollah students at Sayyed Shuahadaa Complex in Beirut’s southern suburb (Dahiyeh).

“These offenses are very dangerous because are committed by so-called Muslim people and in the name of religion,” Sayyed Nasrallah said, referring to Takfiri terrorists.

“Takfiris’ atrocities are real massacres on the humanitarian and cultural level,” his eminence stated, calling all Muslims to bear their responsibilities through refusing and condemning such crimes.

Meanwhile, Sayyed Nasrallah urged the Bahraini regime to be wise, warning Manama against committing a folly like Thursday’s move when regime forces stormed Diraz and attempted to attack the house of prominent Shia cleris Sheikh Issa al-Qassem.

On the Lebanese issue, Sayyed Nasrallah voiced satisfaction concerning the positive atmosphere in the country following the formation of the national accord government. His eminence said the government has to assume all its responsibility regarding daily challenges, and not to consider that its only task is to endorse an electoral law.

The resistance leader also called all Lebanese to cooperate in a bid to meet all challenges especially on the security level.

Nasrallah also strongly condemned the recent Daesh (ISIS/ISIL) video purporting to show two captured Turkish soldiers being burned alive in Syria’s northwestern city of Aleppo, stating that Turkey is paying the price for its support for Daesh terrorists.

He criticized the Turkish government for its double standards vis-à-vis the fight against terrorism, calling on Turkish officials to adopt a clear stance regarding Daesh.

“What happened in Aleppo is a real and tough war,” the resistance leader said, noting that huge numbers of foreign militants from across the world took part in battles which took place south and west of Aleppo.

“In face of this big battle our sacrifices were also huge.”

His eminence then dismissed as baseless allegations that the militants in Aleppo were abandoned by their backers, saying that  “support offered to Syria militants by Arab states in six years exceeded support offered to Palestine in sixty years.”

“Militants’ failure in Syria was not because of lack in support but because of the determination of Syria and its allies to defeat terrorism.”

He described the Aleppo liberation as a big victory and a major development on political and military levels, saying that the United States is blocking a political solution in Syria.


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