Saudi Writer Jailed To 7 Years For Participating In A Rally

MEP: Persian Gulf Center for Human Rights stated that Saudi court have sentenced a Saudi writer Nazir Majid to 7 years in prison for allegedly participating in demonstrations.

Human Rights explained the ruling was issued against Majid Nazir, a 40-year-old Saudi writer. Last week, the Special Court for Criminal prevented him from traveling abroad for seven years after the expiration of his prison term.

Saudi officials convicted Majid on charges of disobeying the guardian, participating in demonstrations, making connections with correspondents of foreign news media and writing articles in 2007.

According to Gulf Center for Human Rights which has office in Beirut and Copenhagen, the author was present alone in this session, where not accompanied by his family or a lawyer.

The organization Human Rights Watch reported the name Majid, 2011, among more than 160 people were arrested, mostly in the eastern region for participating in protests demanding reforms and the release of detainees.


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