Saudi Mufti To Bangladesh: We Will Continue Executing The Islamic Leaders

MEP: According to Al-Riyadh, the Saudi news agency, with Bangladesh having been turned into an arena for sentencing Islamic activists to incarcerations and capital punishments and many members of the “Muslim community” have also been prosecuted in the country due to what is called war crimes. The Saudi Mufti warned government of Bangladesh about bringing the country into the vortex of ethnic and religious conflicts.

Mr. Mufti met with South East Asian Nations students of a seminary at his home in Riyadh. In response to a request for opinion referred by a number of students of Bangladesh with regard to the execution of many of the Islamic community leaders of Bangladesh, Mufti stated: It is not very much surprising to annoy and prosecute Muslims in a Jew or Christian country but our concern is that such incidents happen in the country that is home to tens of millions of Muslims. I warn the authorities in Bangladesh; fear the wrath of God that God Almighty has said: “ومن يقتل مومنا متعمدا فجزاؤه جهنم خالدا فيها”

Mr. Mufti continued his remarks, referring to the likelihood of more executions in Bangladesh and said: Islamic currents have been patient and tolerant toward this secular and atheist government executing Muslim scholars by accusing them of murdering Hindu idol and cow worshipers and if this government continues to do such criminal acts, in this case the Muslim scholars will be incumbent to issue their petition of Jihad against the unjust and cruel nations, which is already approved by their leaders, and in this regard  God has said: “وسيعلم الذين ظلموا أي منقلب ينقلبون”

It is noteworthy to say that the Government of Bangladesh by forming an International Criminal Court has executed a number of Islamic leaders of Bangladesh such as Abdulghader Mullah, Ali Ahsan Mohammad Mujahid, Muti Al-Rahman Nezami and Mir Ali Qasim. However, some other faces in the crowd are waiting for their sentence to be carried out. The state- opposing currents in Bangladesh find these sentences to be a kind of revenge taken by the Prime Minister, Hasina Wajid, from Islam activists in the country.


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