Saudi Arabia Vitiates Political Dialogues on Lebanon

king-salman-saudi-arabiaKABUL: (Middle East Press) Aftermath of Lebanese parliament speaker Nabih Berri’s initiative to start talks between the parties and political factions in Lebanon to avoid a social crisis.

The Saudi Embassy in Lebanon openly opposed to these negotiations and to thwart the talks has taken two different stances.

According to the report, the Embassy of Saudi Arabia on the one hand prevents Lebanese Forces of entering to the talks and on the other hand has obliged Al- Mustaqbal Movement to participate in these discussions.

It intends to prevent national consensus through Al- Mustaqbal movement and it is going to vitiate national dialogue and political agreement for resolving the Lebanese crisis.

It is worth noting that Lebanese Forces which is faced political hurdles in the Lebanese political arena could draw new Saudi rulers’ attraction and confidence and find a good position as well.

Therefore to compensate for the failures and keep its financial sponsor has chosen absolute obedience of Saudis as the only alternative.


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