Saudi Arabia Retreat Cut Off Diplomatic Relations With Iran

IRAN SAOUDIKABUL: (MEP) Only one day lapsed after Saudi Arabia’s claim to cut off political ties with Iran, Adel al-Jubeir, Saudi Foreign Minister at the UN Security Council said:

We are ready to restore relations, if Iran stop interfering in the internal affairs of other countries. The statement issue at a time, when Western powers also condemned condemn the execution of Sheikh Nimr Baqir al-Nimr and reproached the Saudi regime over this act and hastily cut diplomatic ties with Iran.

The Saudi regime in the past 24 hours tried to entitle the mass execution of its own nationals normal and rightful and asked its allies to cut their political relations with Iran due to Countries and its ally Iran are willing to protest due to strong protest and condemnation of Iranians. But practically, all of the countries not only condemned sanguinary execution in Saudi Arabia but refused to confront diplomatically with Iran and only Sudan, which is run by financial support of Saudi Arabia and a small state of Djibouti cut their political relations with Iran.

Bahrain’s government that Iran has already cut its political relationship with it last one year, can also be considered one of Saudi regime’s allies along with illegitimate regime of Israel.


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