Saudi Arabia-Led Air Forces Bomb Taiz 50 Times

MEP: Yemeni sources reported on Sunday morning that Saudi warplanes have bombarded Taiz 50 times from Saturday morning to Sunday morning.

According to al-Masirah news channel, Saudi warplanes also bombarded Mocha city.

Many were injured in Saudis airstrike on Mocha and some of the city’s public facilities were destroyed, as well.

Saudi Arabia, along with other states launched military aggression against Yemen since March 26, 2015. They surrounded the country by land, sea and air to restore power to Yemen’s former president Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi.

US-backed, Saudi-led coalition on Yemen slaughtered thousands of people and destroyed infrastructures of the poor Arab state.

More than 10,000 people have been killed and thousands of others wounded in Saudi Arabia’s aggression.


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