Saudi Arabia Hangs Three Pakistani Nationals

MEP: Three Pakistani citizens have been hanged up in Saudi Arabia on suspicion of drug trafficking.

The three were sentenced to death last night by a court in Riyadh and hanged in the city.

Pakistani media said the charges incurred to the people executed so far not been determined.

Execution of Pakistani citizens in Saudi Arabia because of unproven accusations is nothing new and Pakistani media reports this sort of news many times in a year.

According to official statistics were announced from official sources in Pakistan last year, more than 2400 Pakistani citizens are in Saudi prisons.

Not long ago a report titled “suffering Pakistanis in jails of Saudi Arabia”, had been published in one of the Pakistani newspapers in which the unfair treatment of the Saudi regime to the citizens of Pakistan without the trial in prisons in the country and in a deplorable condition are in prison, was severely criticized.


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