Sartaj Aziz: Peaceful and stable Afghanistan, to the region beneficial

Future of the region lies in peaceful and stable Afghanistan and Pakistan remains committed to the goal of lasting peace in Afghanistan and the region said Sartaj Aziz, the Pakistan’s Adviser to Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs.

Addressing a seminar “Achieving Peace in Afghanistan: Challenges & Prospects” in Islamabad, he pointed out that the terrorist outfits have been crossing through the porous border and launching terrorist attacks in Pakistan.

He stressed upon Afghan government to take action against TTP (Tahrik-e-Taliban Pakistan) and Jamaat-ul-Ahrar sanctuaries.

He was of the view that lack of progress on peace process, emerging threat of Daesh, drug trafficking, the resettlement of returning refugees are some of the issues that have been making it difficult for Afghanistan to create a stable country.

‘This situation is affecting not only Afghanistan’s neighbors, but the entire region,” he said.

He noted that relations between Pakistan and Afghanistan are also being affected due to these factors, despite our age-old bonds of common culture, heritage, traditions and religion.

‘A peaceful prosperous Afghanistan is in our interest. We believe that a politically negotiated settlement will be the most viable option for bringing lasting peace to Afghanistan,’ Sartaj Aziz added.

He said Pakistan extends transit trade facilities to Afghanistan through its ports under an Afghanistan Pakistan Transit Trade Agreement (APTTA) without any quantitative limits or barriers.


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