Saleh: Ready To Cooperate With Russia To Combat Terrorism

Ali Abdullah SalehMEP: Former Yemeni President the head of the General People’s Congress Party, Ali Abdullah Saleh, confirmed his willingness to cooperate with Russia in the fight against terrorism.

Saleh said in an interview with the channel “Russia 24”, “Russia is the closest to us, and have a positive attitude in the United Nations and the Security Council have used the right of veto” for the benefit of important issues.

He added “we reach out to Russia to cooperate in the field of anti-backed terrorism, countries in the region,” and he point out the existence of agreements with Russia and Yemen, and before that The Soviet Union, he said: “We are ready to activate these treaties and agreements.

He also expressed readiness to provide facilities through existing rules at airports and ports of Yemen to Russia in the fight against terrorism, not inviting them to stand by Yemen against “aggression”, in reference to the military campaign led by Saudi Arabia against Houthis and his supporters.

Despite of the departure of former President from power, which may be restricted by the implementation of such commitments, but some responsible from his party are managing alongside its Houthis allies the political council of the recently announced, which dominated much of the territory of the country.


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