Salang Reopened For One-Way Travel

MEP: Salang highway, which connects nine northern provinces of the country to Kabul, has been opened in one way after days of clearing the snow.

Lt. Gen. Rajab, head of the Salang maintenance told the Middle East Press, the Salang Pass was reopened from this morning (26 January) for one-way travel only.

He said while the snow clearing operations and providing facilities for safe traffic in the current path continue, but poor snowfall and the interruption yet persists.

Rajab added that all kinds of vehicles, except passenger vehicles, trailers, can take the form of one-way traffic route.

According to the schedule, in the first half of the day, vehicles from north to south and south to north in the second half of the day are allowed to pass through the tunnel, he further added.

He stressed that all drivers have their vehicles equipped with safety devices and from the Salang Pass, should cooperate with the authorities in traffic.

The highway due to snowfall and fierce storms and the possibility of avalanches, was completely blocked on the last three days.


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