Russia’s Putin Creates National Guard To Combat Terrorism

Vladimir PutinKABUL: (MEP) Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the creation of a new National Guard to fight terrorism and organized crime.

“We have made a decision to create a new federal executive body within the Ministry of Internal Affairs, namely the National Guard,” Putin told a meeting with his key security officials in the Kremlin on Tuesday.

He said the decisions have been taken, “we are creating a new federal body of executive power,” he added.

“I do hope that the National Guard troops will perform their tasks effectively, just as they have been doing up to this day and step up the work along the priority guidelines,” he further noted.

The National Guard will be formed out of existing Interior Ministry troops.

“We thought about how to improve [the work of law enforcement] in all areas, including those related to fighting terrorism, to organized crime and illicit drug trafficking,” Putin said.

The statement came as Putin met Interior Minister Viktor Kolokoltsev, head of the Federal Drug Control Service Viktor Ivanov, and the commander of the interior troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Viktor Zolotov.




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