Russian Military ‘Capable Of More’ Says Putin

Vladimir PutinKABUL: (MEP) Russian President Vladimir Putin has said Russia is using “far from everything we are capable of” in its military operations in Syria.

“We see how efficiently our pilots and intelligence agents coordinate their efforts with various kinds of forces – the army, navy and aviation, how they use the most modern weapons,” Russian news agencies quoted Putin as saying.

“I want to stress that these are by far not all of our capabilities,” he said. “We have more military means. And we will use them – if need be.”

The Syrian war, heading into its fifth year, has killed more than 250,000 people and displaced millions more.

The resolution, passed unanimously by the UN Security Council, sets out a timetable for formal talks and a unity government within six months,

However, the resolution makes no mention of the future role of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Russian warplanes have carried out almost 150 sorties against ISIL targets in Syria since it began bombing raids in late September, dropping more than 1500 bombs, RT News reports.

Putin’s remarks came Saturday, hours after signing up to a UN roadmap to peace in the war-torn country.

The peace plan, the first agreed to by both the US and Russia, aims for a ceasefire between the Syrian army and rebels, followed by talks in January.

US Secretary of State John Kerry said there were still major differences between Western powers and Russia about which rebels group will be included in the talks, and the fate of Assad.

“We are under no illusions about the obstacles that exist,” Kerry said.

Moscow has staunchly supported Assad’s regime while the West has long insisted the Syrian leader must step down to facilitate a political solution to a crisis that has killed more than 250,000 people and forced millions from their home.


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