Russian Air Force Destroys Over 230 Terrorist Sites

2CF14B3900000578-3254579-image-a-7_1443637851966KABUL: (Middle East Press) The Russian Air Force have destroyed over 230 terrorists’ positions by carrying out up to 131 raids in cooperation with the Syrian Air Force, during the past 48 hours, as Moscow pressed on with its bombing campaign in Syria.

A statement released by Moscow states that Russian warplanes pounded sites belonging to ISIL and Al-Qaeda affiliate Al-Nusra Front “terrorist groups” in the Homs, Hama, Latakia, Damascus, Aleppo and Raqa provinces.

“The airstrikes targeted terrorist sites in the provinces of Hama, Lattakia, Homs, Aleppo, Raqqa, and Damascus Countryside, and that they resulted in destroying 17 command centers for terrorists, 7 assorted munitions depots, 22 artillery positions and training camps, and 189 fortified sites and shelters” a military source told SANA News Agency on Monday.

The source added that the raids resulted in destroying fortified bases, shelters, and a heavy machinegun nest used by ISIL in the surroundings of Palmyra in Homs countryside, in addition to destroying a weapons depot for ISIL near Harasta al-Qantara and a workshops for manufacturing explosive devices and munitions south of Douma in Damascus Countryside.

“Su-25 jets hit a fortified ISIS position in the Tadmur area of Homs province,” Moscow’s defense ministry said in a statement, using the Arabic name for Palmyra. “As a result of a direct strike, a fortification, an underground bunker and anti-aircraft artillery were destroyed.”



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