Russia Says Taliban ‘Have No Choice’ But To Join Peace Process

12784205_1037106259683827_1773469847_nKABUL: (MEP) The only way for Taliban insurgents is to enter peace talks, otherwise they have no other choice.

Zamir Kabulov, the Russian special representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan during a meeting with President Mohammad Ashraf discussed the issue.

According to a statement by Ghani’s office, the meeting was held Tuesday evening in ARG, the Presidential Palace.

During the conference, Kabulov firstly presented information on the military and security cooperation framework agreement as well as the economic development.

He pointed out to Taliban insurgents “”the message of Russia is that the only address for peace talks is the Government of Afghanistan.”

“Taliban don’t have any ways other than going through this address; they have many internal problems and are divided into different groups,” Kabulov said.

Russia is deeply concerned about the presence of Islamic State (IS) terrorist group in the region, but Afghanistan’s efforts to fight the terrorist group in the eastern part of the country is commendable, Russian envoy noted.

Meanwhile, President Ghani appreciated the cooperation of Russia in different parts of Afghanistan, said economic cooperation between the two countries will strengthen and expand relations.

Ghani also thanked from the Russian recent military aid to the Afghan authorities and has ordered the Ministry of National Defense to finalize the framework agreement on security cooperation with Russia’s authorities.


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