Russia Humiliating US In Syria: GOP Senator

VBK-JOHN_MCCAIN_1903421fKABUL: (Middle East Press) Republican Senator John McCain says it is “humiliating” that Moscow is dictating US policy in Syria, following reports that the United States is rerouting flights to avoid Russian aircraft in the Arab country.

“We can’t be dictated by the Russians as to where the United States of American can fly airplanes. That is disgraceful. That is humiliating,” McCain told reporters on Thursday.

Moscow began its military campaign against terrorists wreaking havoc in Syria on September 30 at a request from the government of President Bashar al-Assad.

Russia has carried out more than 110 airstrikes Daesh (ISIL) terrorists in Syria so far, killing hundreds of militants.

The Pentagon announced on Wednesday that the United States had adopted measures to ensure a safe distance from Russian fighter jets flying over Syria.

McCain, the Republican chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said that Washington should “just leave” Syria “if all of your [US] actions are dictated by the risk of confrontation with Russia.”

US Republican Senator John McCain

Last week, McCain told CNN that Russian bombers struck CIA-trained militants in Syria. “I can absolutely confirm to you that they were strikes against our Free Syrian Army recruits that have been armed and trained by the CIA because we have communications with people there.”

Pentagon spokesman Peter Cook said on Friday the United States and Russia will renew talks to avoid accidents in Syrian air space.

“The Department of Defense has received a formal response from the Russian ministry of defense regarding DoD’s proposal to ensure safe air operations over Syria,” Cook said.

“Department leaders are reviewing the Russian response and talks are likely to take place as soon as this weekend,” he added.

US and Russian defense officials have already met and discussed procedures to avoid mishaps between aircraft from the US-led coalition and Russian warplanes over Syria.


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