Religious Scholar And His Disciples Joint Taliban Rank In Takhar

MEP: A religious scholar and religious school teacher in the capital of Takhar Province, along with a number of his students joined the armed Taliban rank.

A reliable source in the province, who asked to remain anonymous, told the Middle East Press Maulawi Mohammad Kabir the cleric, a religious scholar with a number of his students defected to the armed Taliban.

“Discovery reports about the cleric’s cooperation with the Taliban were in hands but prior to his arrest, had fled the area and joined the Taliban in Dashti Archi district of Kunduz province,” said the source.

Source stated that more research on the case started.

The report comes as according to unconfirmed news, a religious school teacher in Baghlan province also joined the armed Taliban with a number of his disciples.

The armed Taliban did not comment on the report so far.


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