Red Crescent Distributes Aid To Needy Families In Balkh

MEP-Red Crescent aidMEP: Administration officials of Afghan Red Crescent distributed aid to at least 350 needy families living in northern Balkh province.

Ehsanullah Aman Oghli head of northern Afghan Red Crescent Society (ARCS), told Middle East News Agency the assistance during Ramadan had been previously identified by the survey team of the department from Turkey to poor and vulnerable families.

He said the aid includes 50 kg of rice, 10 liters of oil, 10 kilograms of beans, 5 kg of sugar, 4 kg of salt and tea.

The large number of families who live in such abject and have benefited from this aid, calling for more assistance from aid agencies.

Administration officials of the Afghan Red Crescent said, along with this aid, for a number of vulnerable families in Kabul have also been distributed.


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