Qatar Pledges $10 Million to the Victims of Earthquake in Nangarhar

KABUL: (Middle East Press) The Qatari government is trying to rebuild the quake-destroyed houses of Nangarhar people by pledging a total of ten million dollars.

Abdul Wahab Shirzad, head of the Natural Disaster Department of Nangarhar province says an agreement has been signed with the Red Cross of Qatar to reconstruct earthquake-damaged homes in Behsood, Rodat and Kama districts of the province.

The fund will be used based on an organized plan for the project, according to Shirzad.

7.5 magnitude earthquake shook Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Pakistan and India on 26 October destroying thousands of homes and leaving at least 600 people killed and injured.

Areas of Nangarhar, Badakhshan, Kunar, Laghman and Takhar in Afghanistan suffered the most damage from the earthquake. 


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