Qassam Brigades Protest Against Sending Hamas Troops To Train In Turkey

KABUL: (MEP) Hamas’s Izz ad-Din al-Qassam brigades’ commander objected against sending troops for a military and doctrinal training in Turkey and stated that Turkey is itself an ally of Israel.

According to “Al-Arab Alan” news agency, as a response to dispatching Hamas forces to Turkey, Mohammed Deif, the commander of the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades said” Sending Hamas security forces to Turkey for training is done in order to provide their personal details and information to Israel and this manifest error of Hamas political leaders cannot be overlooked.

At the same time after Ankara Tel Aviv relations normalized, a Turkish senior security official said in a press release that the security relations between the two countries had never been cut in recent years and these relationships had been so strong that political tensions had no effect on them.   


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