Prostitution, Rape, Trafficking, The Fate Of Asylum Seekers

MEP: From two years onwards, a large number of citizens from war-torn countries, including Afghanistan, took to the sea and immigrated to European countries in the hard way.

During the time, young people and children formed the bulk asylum due to unemployment and lack of security in their countries.

The deterioration of the security situation, excessive unemployment for the educated class, rising crime and other factors led to more than 200 thousand citizens, including young people have left the country and adopted to Europe.

Among this large number, limited number of refugees have reached to the purpose which is (acceptance in the destination country) and a large number of them are in shelters and camps for nearly two years.

Two-year presence in shelters or camps, according to major economic problems that arose in European countries, have messed up the financial situation of asylum seekers and they also lost their financial resources.

The deterioration of the financial situation of asylum seekers and empty pocket, opened the way for people the opportunity to use the obligation of asylum seekers, especially youngsters and teenagers who had stepped the path on their own, offer illegitimate ways.

Prostitution, harlotry, trafficking or sexual abuse are the primary ways that used by opportunistic foreign people and smugglers and those asylum seekers who do not have other way, have to be called.

There are reports that a number of teenagers in the camps or parks in European countries, particularly in Greece, to obtain money or food choose the “prostitution” way.

Another number also turned to homosexuality to satisfy the other side and take the money, and several other numbers also become perpetrators by camps male or female officials of sexual exploitation.

Islam-ul-deen Jaraat spokesman for the Ministry of Refugees and Repatriation told the Middle East Press, “When a citizen of Afghanistan put their live at risk and gives up to smugglers, they should then consider the risk of prostitution. ”

He said the official report about prostitution, rape and sexual abuse however has not come to them yet. But it is possible that an asylum seeker to be abused by smugglers in the path or in the destination country.

In the awareness programs, the dangers of migration have repeatedly been warned but still a number of young people face the same problem.

This comes as Afghan refugees in European countries also confirmed the matters with the Middle East Press and have recounted these issues as witnesses.

The refugees refused to take their names.


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