President Trump Plans To Deploy 1500 Army In Afghanistan

MEP: Donald Trump President of America plans to send 1500 troops to Afghanistan.

America’s Army Information Center issued a statement, saying the soldiers in order to change deployment of troops from a base in Alaska by the end of this year will be sent to Afghanistan.

The statement did not say that the fresh troops on what mission will be deployed in Afghanistan, training or war?

US forces based in Afghanistan, included two groups that one group carries a strong support within the framework of Resolute-mission, to train and advise Afghan forces and the other group is engaged in anti-terrorist operations of al-Qaida and the Daesh (ISIS/ISIL) terror group.

Last year, sources have said that America wants to send 2300 troops to train the Afghan military.

The report comes as according to the plan to withdraw US troops from Afghanistan, 9800 troops deployed in Afghanistan in 2017 will be reduced to 5500 troops.


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