Pakistan Reacts To Kabul And Washington Allegations

MEP: Pakistani government strongly rejected the claims by Kabul and Washington that the country is harboring terrorists, and stated that the country itself has suffered from terrorism.

After two suicide bombings in Kabul and Kandahar which killed large number of civilians, security, government officials and foreign diplomats, Kabul and Washington accused Islamabad of harboring of terrorists.

Afghan government officials stated that the terrorists have a safe hideouts in Pakistan’s tribal areas across the border.

“The terrorists can freely enter Afghanistan whenever they want to, and carry suicide attacks. The government of Islamabad acts completely insensitive towards the terrorists,” the officials added.

Meanwhile, US foreign Department after the attacks, claimed that Pakistan thought had slight improvements in the fight against terrorism, but still there are problems relating to terrorism in the country.

The Ministry has claimed that America repeatedly wants Pakistan to act against “all terrorist groups” without discrimination, and to avoid helping some terrorist groups.

The United States claims that Pakistan does not seriously deal with terrorist groups such as “Lashkar-e-Taiba” and “Haqqani network”.

Kandahar attack was attributed in particular to the Haqqani network.

But with all these interpretations, spokesman for Pakistan’s Foreign Ministry rejected the claims by officials of Kabul and Washington.

He said Pakistan itself is the major victim of terrorism and in the fight against this phenomenon, thousands of victims and enormous financial losses to the economy have arrived.

The statements came as yesterday a number of protesters attended near the Pakistani embassy in Kabul, accused the country of espionage activities and support for terrorism in Afghanistan.


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