Our Lives Will Truly Be Hell In The Near Future: Israeli Opposition Leader

F131127DV014-e1387114690964KABUL: (MEP) In a strongly-worded speech, Opposition leader Yitzhak Herzog demanded that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu “go home,” and take with him Education Minister Naftali Bennett, whose “policies have failed, and are leading us to another Masada”, [where the Jews committed suicide rather than fall into Roman hands] isolated from the world and “forever living on its sword.”

Herzog made the remarks at the opening gathering of the Knesset winter session, speaking after Netanyahu said that Israel had faced tougher problems than the current wave of Palestinian protests, and would beat this round of terror as well.

Herzog demurred, saying that “Netanyahu claims to be ‘managing’ the conflict, along with Bennett. The way you are handling the conflict has turned into a knife to stab us in the back, a knife in the back of Israelis.

“One day we will find ourselves a minority between the Mediterranean and the Jordan, and then our lives will truly be hell. If we do not work towards a two state solution, this is what will happen under the leadership of Bennett and his friends”, Herzog said.


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