Obama’s Complicity With Saudi Invaders: Activists Confirms Use Of Chemical Weapons By Saudi Arabia

KABUL: (Middle East Press) Saudi Arabia and a number of oil-rich Arab despotic regimes continue their brute aggression against the impoverished Yemen—the poorest Arab nation— amid alleged use of weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) in its latest round of offensive targeting pro-democracy activists.

On Monday, a group of Yemeni activists and a Western diplomat— speaking on condition of anonymity— in Yemeni capital of Sana‘a, corroborated previous information about Saudi fighter jets dropping unconventional bombs, believed to contain poisonous gas.

“…many of our patients complained about a peculiar smell which filled the air. It was of rotten apple,” said Dr. Ali al-Meqdad, the head of department of Pulmonary Medicine at Al-Thawra Hospital in Sana‘a.

On March 26, emboldened by Obama administration’s green light, Riyadh launched indiscriminate strikes against Yemeni civilians, in a desperate attempt to restore power to ousted Yemeni President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi, a corrupt businessman and Saudi protégé.

Since its onset, the Saudi-led invasion has killed hundreds of civilians—including children, women and elderly—, injured tens of thousands and rendered more than 1 million Yemeni homeless.


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