NUG Leaders Expected To Hold Talks Thursday

President Ghani and CEO Abdullah to meet ThursdayMEP: Based on a predetermined program, President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani and Chief Executive Officer Abdullah Abdullah are expected to meet today.

CEO Abdullah says the two will discuss over the political agreement in relation to the national unity government during the meeting.

Reform of the electoral system, parliamentary elections and the Loya Jirga amended constitution, the post of chief executive to executive chancellor were of the original political agreement that after almost two years none of them was implemented.

The meeting comes as tensions have increased between the two heads of the national unity government after Dr Abdullah harshly criticized President Ghani’s mechanisms.

Chief Executive Officer has said that in the past three months he was not able to meet with president and that “whoever does not have the patience to negotiate, does not deserve the presidency.”

The remarks by CEO also followed president Ghani’s reaction, in a way that Ghani called Abdullah’s comments contrary to the spirit of governance.

However, earlier this week the two leaders meeting at the Presidential Palace was done without any knowledge; but it is expected that before the meeting in Brussels, today’s meeting of NUG leaders to have its own achievements.


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