North Korea: Turkey Must Be Careful With Its Actions

635582955959193796KABUL: (Middle East Press) Informed sources claimed that the leader of North Korea has threatened if Turkey acts against Russia, will be facing nuclear attack by Pyongyang.

Aldyar Lebanese newspaper wrote, “Kim Jong-un, Supreme Leader of North Korea has threatened that if Turkey stands against Russia or to support ISIL militants in Syria and Iraq, will be targeted by North Korea’s nuclear attack.

The newspaper adds, the remarks by Supreme Leader of North Korea come as he vowed that if Turkey participate in Syria’s war to cooperate with the United States and support ISIL militants, Pyongyang would launch nuclear attack on them to be wiped off the world wide map.

The informed source states, that North Korea enters the line on the issue of conflict in the region, particularly Iraq and Syria to witness the war, that it can be assessed to support Russia in its war against terrorism.


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