New Indian Ambassador Arrives To Kabul

Manpreet-VohraKABUL: (MEP) India’s new ambassador to Afghanistan Manpreet Vohra who is succeeding Amar Sinha has arrived in Kabul.

“My first morning in Kabul as the new Indian Ambassador! Salaam and Namaste to Afghanistan and everyone. It’s an honour and a privilege.” stated a twitter post on the official twitter account of Ambassador Vohra on Wednesday.

Manpreet Vohra (Indian Foreign Service Officer batch-1988) was announced as the new ambassador to Kabul by India’s Minister of External Affairs in November.

Vohra is the 6th Indian Ambassador to Afghanistan after the fall of Taliban regime in 2001.Vohra has served as the Deputy High Commissioner at Indian High Commission in Pakistan besides having worked in Disarmament and International Security Affairs Division of the External Affairs Ministry.

His recent assignment was as the Joint Secretary in the Ministry.Vohra has also served as India’s Ambassador to Peru.


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