Netanyahu Must Stop The Incitement Against Israel’s Arab Citizens

IMG_6992KABUL: (MEP) Zahava Gal-On, Knesset member and Meretz Leader at a recent meeting of the Knesset announced that ministers and Knesset members incite Israel’s Arab people.

She pointed out that Yigal Amir by inciting the rabbis lead to Rabin’s murder, inciting against Israel’s Arab citizens by the prime minister and his ministers will impose huge costs.  “Netanyahu’s hawkish policies cause tensions and war with Muslims which creates insecure community & problems for Jewish citizens,” she said.

She further said, “We deprived Arabs of their basic rights in recent years and Extremist governments have been humiliated them every now and then therefore no Jew is safe in Israel today.”

Gal-On referred to Motti Yougo’s remarks and criticized Netanyahu, she said, “We are about to insult not because of our positions but because we are leftist.” she also added that when a member of the Knesset tells a supreme judge that he helps the enemy, his extremism’s position would be cause for more bloodshed.

Gal-On gave further explanation about his remarks at the request of reporters and said, “Netanyahu has spoken about attacks on Arabs on Election Day and Muslims were incited by his remarks. Thus Netanyahu must be held accountable for insecurity throughout Israel.”




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