Nangarhar Attack Planner Killed

Security Forces killed the planner of the attack on a private company in Behsood district of Nangerhar.

Spokesman for Nangarhar Governor Attaullah Khogyani, told Middle East Press; Subhanullah, a member of Daesh terrorist group was killed last night by security forces in “Hazar-Naw” region of Momand-Dara district.

According to him, this murdered person was planner of attack on a private company in Behsood district of Nangarhar.

In an attack and on a private company in Behsood district, which occurred on March. 06, 16 employees and 5 attackers were killed.

Khoghayani also said that several suspects had been arrested during the special operation of security forces and some ammunition had been handed over by them.

The ISIL terrorist group had claimed responsibility for the attack.


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