Mohammed Bin Salman Confesses His Involvement In Russian Plane Crash

952KABUL: (Middle East Press) Saudi Arabia’s Deputy Crown Prince and Defense Minister Mohammed bin Salman indirectly attributed Russian plane crash in the Sinai to the terrorists under his influence on one of the social networks.

According to the report, Mohammed bin Salman in response to the comment on his personal page’s user which had criticized Saudi Arabia’s passivity role in Russia’s recent moves, said, “Putin is a stubborn communist. I tried to negotiate with him in one of my trips to Moscow that longed for three hours but he behaved with me arrogantly. I said to my assistant to retaliate Putin’s behavior in the North Caucasus.”

He added, “When Russia was accompanied with Iran in Syria issue it was required to respond Russians firmly to know that if we desire we will easily infiltrate even in most secure environments.”

Mohammed bin Salman also wrote, “I’m not talking about the Airbus 321, but I hope Muslim groups’ message in Sinai will make Russia to think over interfering in the region’s affairs.”


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