Man And Woman Killed By Axe In Herat

dsc03683KABUL: (MEP) A man and a woman have been killed by axe blows in eastern Herat province.

Herat Hospital officials say the bodies of a man and woman were taken to the hospital around 9 pm last night.

Mohammad Rafiq Sherzai, administrative director of the Herat hospital told the media that the man and woman about 45 years old were entered the hospital from Shaidaye area of Herat province.

He said, their identities have not determined yet and the bodies are kept in the morgue presently.

Sherzai added the signs of “ax stroke” were seen in different parts of the bodies of man and woman, including hands, feet and chests.

It is still unclear who is behind such violence. However, Police launched investigations into the crime. 

This comes just a day before when a man has brutally cut his wife’s nose in Faryab province over unknown reason.


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