Life Imprisonment Sentence For The Son Of Masoud Barzani

masrour-barzani15KABUL: (MEP) Mansour Barzani, son of Masoud Barzani the Iraqi Kurdish leader, was sentenced to life imprisonment by an Italian court in October 2012 for murdering a 19-year-old girl and raping her.

Mansour Barzani, son of Masoud Barzani the Iraqi Kurdish leader, was in love with a 19-year-old Lebanese girl but for marrying her, he faced resistance by the girl’s family. He had sent the marriage proposal but the girl’s family turned down the proposal, and then he decided to take revenge from them.

Mansour Barzani established relationship with the girl and afterwards seduced and raped her, and then to prevent the possible complaint by the girl’s family and to preserve Barzani’s familial honor, he tried to strangle the poor Lebanese girl, but when could not kill her this way, he stabbed her until she died. Finally, after murdering her he burned her body to remove all the signs.

To settle the matter and resolve this crime, Masoud Barzani at the same date of October 2012, had an unexpected trip to Rome the capital of Italy to review the case and cover up the another big scandal for his family.


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