Kurdish Authorities Destroyed Homes And Banish Hundreds Of Arabs From Kirkuk

MEP: On Monday, Amnesty International said Kurdish authorities have carried out a wave of attacks, demolishing the homes and driving out hundreds of Arabs from Kirkuk in northern Iraq, as apparent revenge for an attack carried out by the Islamic State.

The non-governmental organization confirmed that the authorities brutally demolished hundreds of Iraqi Arabs’ homes and forced them to leave the city after ISIS attack to Kirkuk on 21 October which took several days.

An eyewitness who is the father of 10 children told Amnesty International that on 25 October a few days after ISIS attack, residents were evacuated forcibly while bulldozers destroyed hundreds of homes, including his own.

According to Amnesty International many said they were ordered to have their identity cards confiscated. Among those affected are an estimated 250 families who forcibly displaced from Kirkuk and its surrounding villages and fled because of the violence.

Amnesty International described expelling Sunni Arab residents of Kirkuk, illegally and cruelly. It also demanded Kurdish authorities put an end immediately to unlawful destruction of civilian property and forced displacement. The international organization described such demolitions as a war crime.


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