Killing Yemenis With Seven Different Types Of Cluster Bombs

MEP: Human Rights Watch (HRW) has accused Saudi Arabia of using several types of bombs and cluster munitions in killing Yemenis.

HRW stated coalition forces led by Saudi Arabia targeted areas of the city of Saada, Yemen with cluster weaponries.

According to the report, Brazilian-made cluster rockets hit al-Zebat town in the old Yemeni city of Saada on December 6.

In the criminal attack, 2 Yemeni citizens were martyred and 6 people, including several children, were injured.

According to the rights group, the attack came only a day after Brazil, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and the US abstained from a UN vote to ban the use of cluster munitions.

According to the international organization, the remaining pieces of surface-to-surface rockets called ASTROS II has been found in the area.

Bahrain and Saudi Arabia have purchased cluster munitions rockets from Brazil.

HRW urged Brazil to stop producing and selling these types of rockets.

The organization also asked Saudi Arabia and Saudi Coalition members to stop using these kinds of munitions.

In a statement, the organization said: “Brazil should be on notice that its rockets are being used in unlawful attacks in the Yemeni war. Cluster munitions are prohibited weapons that should never be used under any circumstances due to the harm inflicted on civilians.”

According to the report, HRW and Amnesty International documented the use of seven types of air-delivered and ground-launched cluster munitions made in the US, UK, and Brazil. The coalition finally admitted using UK- and US-made cluster munitions in attacks in Yemen.


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