Kabul Welcomes the Continued Cooperation of Britain in Afghanistan

Ghani-welcomes-UK's-cooperationKABUL: (Middle East Press) Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani on behalf of the people has welcomed the recent decision of Great Britain’s continuing cooperation in the country, specially in the area of development, security and military.

A statement released by the Presidential Palace on Tuesday states that British assistance would be in two sectors mainly, military assistance in fight against terrorism and training Afghan forces.

“This assistance is based on common interests and threats of two governments and nations,” the statement adds.

The UK’s Defence Secretary Michael Fallon informed the UK’s parliament that the UK will uphold its current military commitment of around 450 British troops in Afghanistan throughout 2016, which also emphasizes UK support for NATO’s Resolute Support Mission.

“The cooperation is grounded in shared threats and interests between the two governments and peoples. The government of Afghanistan believes that inasmuch as terrorism threatens the region and the world, joint action against this phenomenon can ensure peace in the region.” The statement noted.

The announcement comes as US President Barack Obama recently informed that the US will also uphold its military presence throughout 2016. The UK will work with the US and other NATO Allies and partners to ensure that the delivery of invaluable support to the ANDSF continues.



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