Kabul Citizens ‘Angrily Concern’ Over Power Shortage

12565567_1053165978068337_3796071328849177569_nKABUL: (MEP) Kabul has been witnessing about a week of power shortages over the destruction of an electricity pylon in the northern province of Baghlan as the citizens expressed concern over the freshly power shortage in the capital.

The residents deeply calling on government to soon find a solution for blackout days and night.

However, officials say threats from militants and harsh weather have thwarted their efforts to repair power lines.

“The recent government forces’ counter-Taliban offensives have caused an electricity tower collapse in Dand-e-Ghori district’s Shahbuddin region, where the official of the Brishna Shirkat (the main Kabul Power supplying company) promised to retrieve it in 8 hours after the sure security of the area.” Murid a resident of Khoshal Khan Mina said.

“We don’t have electricity. We need direly in our daily affairs, said Murid adding that the recent power shortage, however was not unprecedented.”

The power cuts came after an electricity pylon was destroyed in the Dand Shahabuddin district of the northern Baghlan Province in Taliban attack last week.

Meanwhile, another Kabul citizen, Maryam also complained power shortage in the capital as saying they have their mobile phones empty of charge and facing failure in their daily affairs mostly carried out though the electricity means.  “The government should do its best to meet the problems, as she said in the past year, the government could recover the power, after several weeks of tower collapse during the heavy snowfalls and storm across the Salang pass,” said Maryam.

On the other hand, Chief Commercial Officer at Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherka, Mirwais Alami, said the Taliban insurgents planted mines in the area and the danger posed by the militants have prevented repair crews from approaching the power lines.

“Enemy forces have brought machine saws and have been cutting down electricity pylons,” Alami said.

The Ministry of Interior with its spokesman, Sediq Seddiqi also said that he can’t make something promising in this field as efforts were being done to take the troubled area from the Taliban control.








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