Jordanian Opposition Criticize The Purchase Of Rotana Group Shares By King Abdullah II

Mideast-Jordan-King-A_Horo-e1363781864263KABUL: (MEP) Reactions and concerns increased after the new Laith Shubailat remarks criticizing Jordan’s King Abdullah II.

Shubailat, which is considered one of the most prominent opposition leaders of Jordan as biased to the Muslim Brotherhood movement, pointed harsh criticism against the Jordanian King through his personal account on Facebook saying “The prices of food products rose for 15 percent in conjunction with the chaos within Interior Ministry of Jordan in particular the escalation of hostile statements that address the parties and political activists in the country, which raises many questions about the reasons for the purchase of King 27 percent of Rotana Group shares, while Jordan is witnessing bitter days due to lack of attention to the internal situation.”

“Is buying Walid bin Talal company’s share a solution for economic crises most notably inflation and unemployment in Jordan?

 What are the interests of the people of Jordan from the allocation of government budgets for Rotana Group, which targeted repeatedly in the past years, Jordanian’s morality and religion?

 It seem that the romantic love stories in the Jordanian royal court that decides the fate of the people instead of the interests of Jordan,” Shubailat added referring to the sexual scandal of the Jordanian king and the daughter of former Lebanese Prime Minister, Hind Hariri along with the close ties that bind the Hariri family with Prince Walid bin Talal Al Saud.

Shubailat’s comments come after accusations against Jordanian King in early 2010 of sexual relationship with Hind Hariri. Sources within the Royal Hashemite Court sources reported news of the Jordanian king’s separation from Queen Rania and the continuation of his affair despite the meditation of Princess Aisha, the sister of King Abdullah II.

Jordanian king will be second trading partner of Prince Walid bin Talal Al Saud, after the purchase of News Corporation 9 percent of Rotana Group’s shares.


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