“The assistance from Japan is to co-finance IRDP project to improve the irrigation systems and the broader water resource management in Afghanistan as well as people’s access to services. The contribution will help increase agriculture productivity in the project areas.” The statement adds.
The funding, contributed through the Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund (ARTF), administered by the World Bank, will support the following two on-going projects, which are essential to meet the country’s needs to improve the lives of the people of Afghanistan, and the recurrent cost expenses of the Afghan government.
The fund would also added to co-finance ARAP project, which will help rural communities to benefit from all-season road access to basic services and facilities through rehabilitation and maintenance of rural roads and infrastructure.
Another USD 33,654,545 will be allocated to Recurrent Cost Window. “Over USD 33 million will be added to the operating budget of the Government of Afghanistan through the Recurrent Cost Window of ARTF, facilitating continuation of the government’s service delivery to the Afghan people,” the statement added.