Israeli Forces Shot Dead Palestinians In West Bank

2B06381A00000578-3182254-image-a-13_1438454672136KABUL: (Middle East Press) Two Palestinians were shot and killed during clashes with Israeli forces in the occupied West Bank on Thursday as deadly violence over the past two months continues.

“Yahya Taha, 21, from the village of Qattaneh … died after he was shot and wounded in the head during clashes,” a Palestinian health ministry statement said, referring to an area northwest of Jerusalem.

Another Palestinian allegedly tried to stab Israeli border police in the northern West Bank on Thursday but was shot dead before harming anyone, Israeli police said.

“An attacker got out of a taxi with a knife” at Tapuach junction near Nablus, police spokeswoman Luba Samri said in a statement. “Forces responded by firing shots at him, resulting in his death.”

The deaths come a day after a Palestinian was shot and killed by Israeli forces after stabbing and seriously wounding an Israeli soldier in the West Bank.


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