Israel And US Allowed ISIS To Steal Oil From Syria

MEP: Russia has accused the Israeli government of allowing ISIS (Daesh) militants to steal oil in Syria in order to earn hundreds of millions of dollars.

Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Major General Igor Konashenkov warned that the US-led international coalition deliberately avoided bombing oil production facilities run by ISIS due to the fact that Israel had a vested interest in the illegal oil sales, according to

“Miraculously, only oil fields, captured by ISIS allowing the militants to earn tens of millions of dollars every month on illegal oil sales and recruit mercenaries from all over the world, did not come under the US bombardment,” Konashenkov said.

CIA Director John Brennan stated earlier that Russia is using a “scorched-earth policy” in Syria.

“What the Russians have done in Syria in terms of some of the scorched-earth policy that they have pursued that have led to devastation and thousands upon thousands of innocent deaths, that’s not something that the United States would ever do in any of these military conflicts,” Brennan told PBS on Tuesday.

“John Brennan is perfectly aware of the real results of Russia’s actions in Syria. Specially for the CIA and special services alike, we announced them during the Russian Defense Ministry’s final board meeting,”Konashenkov stated on Wednesday.

“But the most important result, attained without the current US administration (or rather, without the involvement of the CIA), together with Iran and Turkey, is an agreement with the forces of the Syrian opposition, which came into effect on December 30, to cease hostilities and prepare for negotiations in Astana on the settlement of the Syrian conflict,” he concluded.

A long-awaited nationwide ceasefire has been holding in Syria.

The deal, brokered by Moscow and Ankara, was unanimously approved by the UN Security Council on Saturday.

The agreement obliges around 60,000 rebel fighters, as well as the Syrian government and allied militias, to observe the ceasefire, with Russia and Turkey listed as guarantors to the deal.


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